Welcome to Connectify!

Connectify UI

Connectify is a desktop app for managing clients, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI). Connectify helps salespersons manage their clients information records and data, boosting their efficiency in building customer relationships! If you can type fast, Connectify can get your client management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

In this user guide, you will find instructions on how to install Connectify and use its many features to manage your clients.

Choose a topic from the table of contents to find out how to manage your clients using Connectify!

Table of Contents

Quick start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 installed on your Computer.

  2. Download the latest connectify.jar from our releases.

  3. Copy the file over to the folder you would want to use as the home folder for Connectify. An option is to create a folder named Connectify in yourDesktop and place the file there.

  4. Open the command terminal.

    a. For Windows, you can open Command Prompt from your list of installed applications.

    b. For macOS and other operating systems, open the Terminal app.

  5. Change the directory of the terminal by using the cd command.

    a. For example, if you saved your file at C:\Users\John\Desktop\Connectify\connectify.jar, run the command cd C:\Users\John\Desktop\Connectify in your terminal.

  6. Run java -jar connectify.jar to start the application.

  7. A window similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds, containing sample data.

    Connectify GUI during start-up
    The GUI you see on start-up may be slightly different due to differences in data.

  8. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.

    Some examples you can try:

    • list: Lists all client profiles.

    • create n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01: Creates a client named John Doe in the client list.

    • delete 3: Deletes the 3rd contact currently shown in the displayed client list.

    • exit: Exits the app.

  9. Refer to Features below for more commands and details for each command.

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If you’re new: what are commands?

Commands are the string of text you type into the command box. They usually start with a command word.

  • e.g. create n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 is a command. create is the command word.

Sometimes these commands require additional information. When creating our client, we need to specify the name, phone number, etc. These fields are called parameters.

Parameters are additional information to be supplied by the user.

  • e.g. In n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as n/John Doe.

For most commands, parameters are prefixed by flags. They are indicators to differentiate various parts of the command. They consist of a letter, followed by a /.

  • e.g. In n/NAME, n/ is the flag for the NAME parameter.

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This section contains a list of terms used in this user guide. Feel free to refer back to this section if you are unsure of what a term means!

  • Command Line Interface (CLI): A type of user interface where the user types in commands to interact with the application.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI): A user interface that allows users to interact with through graphical icons like buttons.
  • Commands: The string of text you type into the command box. They usually start with a command word. Read more about it here.
  • Parameters: Additional information to be supplied by the user into commands.
  • Flags: Indicators to differentiate various parts of the command. They consist of a letter, followed by a /. For example, n/ is the flag for the NAME parameter.
  • Hot/Warm/Cold Lead: A client’s lead represents their likelihood of becoming a customer. Hot leads represent a customer with high potential, and cold leads represent a customer with low potential.
  • Dashboard: Connectify’s view that displays a summary of your client interactions and important follow-ups. Find out more about Connectify’s dashboard here.
  • Follow-up: A meeting with a client to follow up on their interest in your product. You can find out about how Connectify calculates follow-up dates here.
  • Interaction Outcome: The outcome of an interaction/meeting. This indicates the success of an interaction and how likely a deal can be closed.
    • Closed: The client has bought your product and the deal has been closed.
    • Interested: Indicates that the client is interested in your product, but has some hesitations before buying.
    • Not interested: Client is not interested despite best efforts.
    • Unknown: All other categories of outcomes that do not fall into the above mentioned categories. For example, the client is going through family mourning, which is not a good time to talk about the product.

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Graphical User Interface Components

Connectify's Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Connectify's Graphical User Interface (GUI): The Dashboard

Connectify's Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Connectify's Graphical User Interface (GUI): The Client List

Let’s first discuss the top half of the interface.

The navigation bar, command box, and output window.
The navigation bar, command box, and output window.
  1. Navigation Bar
    • File: a dropdown menu containing the exit button, which quits the application.
    • Help: a dropdown menu containing the help button, which provides the link to this user guide.
  2. Command Box: a box where you can type commands. When it is empty, it prompts you with Enter Command Here....

  3. Output Window: a box where the results of your commands will be displayed. Any errors that arise will also be shown here.

This is Connectify’s dashboard view. By default, this view is shown on start-up. However, if you are on another view, you can switch to the dashboard view using the dashboard command.

Connectify's Analytics (left) and Upcoming Follow-ups (right)

Connectify's Analytics (left) and Upcoming Follow-ups (right)
  1. Connectify’s Analytics: insightful statistics that are automatically calculated for you. This includes:
    • Number of uncontacted / contacted / closed clients
    • Average interactions among all clients
    • Breakdown of the different interaction outcomes
    • Number of hot / warm / cold leads
  2. Upcoming Follow-ups: upcoming meetings for each client. Follow-up dates are determined automatically by the latest interaction date and the lead of the client. See how Connectify calculates follow-up dates.

This is Connectify’s client list view. You can switch to it using the list command.

Connectify's List of Clients

Connectify's List of Clients
  1. Client List: a scrollable list of clients that you have. You can see the details of each client, including:
    • Index: the number and order of each client in your client list. The numbering can change using the find command.
    • Name: the name of the client, specified after the index number.
    • Lead: the lead of the client, represented by either a red, orange, or light blue box.
    • Tags: a row of dark green boxes, representing additional information of each client.
    • Phone Number: the client’s phone number.
    • Email: the client’s email address.

    Detailed View of Client

    Detailed View of Bernice Yu's Profile
  2. Detailed View: a detailed view of each client’s profile, showing additional information, including:
    • Telegram Handle: the client’s telegram handle, starting with the letter @.
    • Address: the home address of the client.
    • Profession: the client’s profession/job.
    • Income: the client’s income.
    • Past Interactions: the list of past interactions or meetings with the clients, along with its date, interaction outcome (interested), and meeting notes.

    Status Bar
    The Status Bar (at the bottom of the application window)
  3. Status Bar: the location of where Connectify is storing your data in your computer.

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:information_source: Notes about commands

  • Commands, flags and parameters are case-sensitive, unless otherwise specified.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.

    e.g. n/NAME [tg/TELEGRAM] can be used as n/John Doe tg/@johndoe or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ... after them can be repeated any number of times, including zero.

    e.g. [t/TAG]... can be used as (0 times), t/friend, or t/friend t/neighbour, while n/NAME has to be used exactly once.

  • Parameters can be entered in any order.

    e.g. If the command specifies its parameters as n/NAME p/PHONE, p/PHONE n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters will be ignored.

    e.g. The list command does not take in any parameters. If the command list 123 is entered, it will be interpreted as list.

Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaining how to access the user guide.

Help Message

Pop-up message that appears after running help.

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Adding a client profile: create

Your job as a salesperson starts with adding a client profile to Connectify. This is a one-time process for each client that has been made simple for you. Use the create command to add a client profile.


create n/NAME p/PHONE e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]... [tg/TELEGRAM]

:information_source: Unique profiles

Connectify checks for the uniqueness of a profile by its NAME. It doesn’t allow you to create two profiles with the same name. If you happen to have two clients with the exact same name, we suggest differentiating them by adding some notes in brackets!

e.g. John Doe (Company A) vs John Doe (Company B)


create n/Bernice Yu p/99272758 e/berniceyu@example.com 
a/Blk 30 Lorong 3 Serangoon Gardens, #07-18 t/colleagues 
t/friends tg/@yuyubern pf/Graphic Designer i/60000
Bernice Yu's client card after creating
Result of executing the above create command: Bernice Yu's profile is at index 21. Indices may be different.

You should directly see the client profile added to the list of clients in the application window. After adding a client profile, you can now perform various operations on the client profile as specified in the next few sections!

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Adding a client interaction: interaction

After contacting your client, you may want to log your interactions with them. Use the interaction command when you want to record an interaction you had with a client.



:information_source: Notes about the interaction command

  • INDEX refers to the index of the client profile in the displayed list of clients.

  • At least one of the OUTCOME or DETAILS parameters must be provided.

  • OUTCOME must be one of the following: INTERESTED, NOT_INTERESTED, CLOSED, UNKNOWN.

  • OUTCOME is not case sensitive. interested is also a valid outcome.


interaction 21 o/INTERESTED First meeting with client, she seems interested!

Profile before adding an interaction

There are initially no past interactions for Bernice Yu's profile.

Profile after adding an interaction

Result of adding an interaction for Bernice Yu's profile.

You should directly see the interaction added to the client profile in the application window.

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Sometimes, you may want to view the details of a client profile or the interactions you have had with a client to quickly catch up before contacting them.

This section contains multiple commands that allow you to view various details of your clients that are collated in a single view for your convenience.

Viewing the dashboard: dashboard

To keep track of comprehensive statistics about your performance, Connectify provides you with the dashboard command. Use the dashboard command to view summarised information on your client interactions and your important follow-ups.



You should see the following dashboard view in the application window.

Dashboard view

The dashboard view. Data shown may vary.

See what each section of the dashboard means.

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Viewing the list of clients: list

From the dashboard, you may wish to see a comprehensive list of your clients. Use the list command to view all clients.



Client list view

The client list view. Data shown may vary.

You should then see the list of clients in the application window.

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Viewing the full details of a client: view

Catching up on the details of a client before contacting them is important. Most of the time, remembering the details of previous interactions with a client is difficult as the data is scattered everywhere.

Connectify gives you the powerful view command to view the full details of a client profile in a single view.


view INDEX

:information_source: Notes about the view command

INDEX refers to the index of the client profile in the displayed list of clients.


view 3

Client list view

The client list view. Note that David's profile is at index 3.

Detailed view of David's profile

Result of executing the above view command: David's profile details are shown.

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Finding a client by name: find

Managing a large client list can be difficult. Sometimes their index on the list can be hard to remember and this could affect your experience keying in certain commands. Don’t worry though, we have a solution for you! The find command allows you to search for a client by name, and you can use this client’s index (usually 1) in other commands.


find NAME

:information_source: Notes about the find command

You need to type either the first, middle or last name of the client. You cannot type a partially spelt name!


find David

Client list view

The client list view. Data shown may vary.

Client list containing David's profile

Result of executing the above find command: David's profile is found at index 1. Indices may be different.

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Editing a client profile: edit

Over time, you may need to update the details of a client profile to reflect the most current information. Use the command edit to edit the specified client profile in your client list.


edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]... [l/LEAD] 

:information_source: Notes about the edit command

  • INDEX refers to the index of the client profile in the displayed list of clients.

  • At least one of the optional parameters must be provided.


  1. edit 1 l/HOT
  2. edit 2 e/charoliveiro@gmail.com p/123456789
  3. edit 3 t/buddies t/relatives

Clients before editing

Initial state.

Clients after editing

Result of running commands (1) to (3).

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Clearing all tags of a client

You can use the edit command to clear all tags of a client by supplying an empty tag parameter! For example, if you wish to clear the tags of a client at index 4, use edit 4 t/.

Editing a single field

We understand the edit command can be a little tedious to use if you only want to edit a single field of a client profile. Hence, we have provided a shortcut for you to edit a single field of a client profile. This command is special because its command word is the same as the field you want to edit.




  • name 1 John Doe: Changes the name of the client at index 1 to John Doe.

:information_source: Notes about this shortcut

  • INDEX refers to the index of the client profile in the displayed list of clients.

  • All valid FIELD parameters: name, phone, email, address, lead, telegram, profession, income, details.

  • This does not work for the client’s tags.

Common use case: marking a client as a hot, warm, or cold lead

As salespeople, we need to gauge the likelihood of a client of becoming a buying customer. We use hot leads to represent a customer with high potential, and cold leads to represent customers with low potential.

You can use the lead command to mark a client as a hot, warm or cold lead. For example, if you wish to mark the client at index 4 as a cold lead, enter lead 4 cold.

Note that this changes the follow-up period of the client.

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Deleting a client profile: delete

Keep the list of clients in Connectify clean by deleting client profiles that are no longer relevant.

Deleting a client profile is easy with the delete command.


delete INDEX


delete 1

Deleting all clients: clear

If you want a fresh start, use the clear command. Be careful, this clears your entire client list!



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Exiting the program: exit

Quits the Connectify application.



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Miscellaneous Notes

Follow-up Calculation

The follow-up date is calculated by the day of last interaction plus a follow-up period, determined by lead type as shown:

Lead Type Follow-Up Time
HOT 1 week
WARM 4 weeks
COLD 8 weeks
UNKNOWN 4 weeks

For example, if your last interaction with John is on 1 Jan 2021 and he is a HOT lead, the follow-up date will be 1 week after 1 Jan 2021, which is 8 Jan 2021.

Parameter constraints

Some parameters have constraints on the inputs they accept. Although our app notifies you of such issues when they arise, this section lists some common constraints worth noting.

Phone numbers

Phone numbers can only 3-15 contain digits. An optional + sign is allowed in front.


The tag parameter t/TAG only allows alphanumeric inputs with no spaces. For example, t/familyfriend is allowed, but t/family friend or t/family-friend is not allowed.


Incomes consist only of numerical inputs. Connectify does not yet support:

  • Decimal values 600.50
  • Currencies 10000 USD
  • Other non-numeric input e.g. 10,000

Command history

You can use the up arrow key to view your past commands and press Enter to execute them again.

This is especially useful if you find yourself having to re-enter a command that was not accepted due to an error. For example, your parameters may not have conformed to the constraints above.

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Q: How do I save my progress?
A: Your progress is saved after every command automatically.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Follow these steps:

  1. Find your data folder - it should be in the same directory as your connectify.jar file.

    If your Connectify jar file is at C:\Users\John\Desktop\Connectify\connectify.jar, the data folder will be at C:\Users\John\Desktop\Connectify\data.

    :bulb: If you’re having trouble finding the data folder, refer to the status bar.

  2. Download Connectify on the other computer.

  3. Paste the data folder in the same directory as your connectify.jar file in your other computer.

Q: How do I know if Java 11 is already installed on my computer?
A: Open up your favourite command line application and run the command java --version. The output should contain java 11 if Java 11 is installed.

Q: How do I install Java 11 on my computer?
A: Head to the official download page here, then download and run the installer for your operating system.

Q: Can I run this application on any operating system?
A: This application can be run on Linux, Windows, and macOS, as long as you have Java 11 installed.

Q: How do I contact the development team?
A: Please head to our About Us page for our contact details. For bug reports or feature requests, please head to our GitHub repository to file an issue.

Q: Do I need to be connected to the internet to run this application?
A: No, an internet connection is not required to use any of our application’s features.

Q: Can I contact my clients through the application?
A: No, this is currently not possible.

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Known Issues

New follow-ups may not be added after a client is marked as a “hotter” lead

Changing a client’s lead to a “hotter” lead, e.g. from COLD to HOT, may not add a new follow-up to the dashboard. This is because the follow-up date is calculated based on the client’s last interaction date and the lead type. Since a hotter lead type has a shorter follow-up period, if the new follow-up date has already passed, no follow-ups are added to the dashboard for the client.

Follow-ups do not update automatically on a new day

The content of the dashboard will only update whenever the view is switched to the dashboard. This means that if you leave the dashboard open overnight, the follow-ups will not be updated until you switch to the client view and then back to the dashboard view.

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Command summary

Action Format Example  
Help help help  
Add Client create n/NAME p/PHONE e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG] [tg/TELEGRAM] [pf/PROFESSION] [i/INCOME] [d/DETAILS] create n/Bernice Yu p/99272758 e/berniceyu@example.com a/Blk 30 Lorong 3 Serangoon Gardens, #07-18 t/colleagues t/friends tg/@yuyubern pf/Graphic Designer i/60000  
Add Interaction interaction INDEX o/OUTCOME [DETAILS] interaction 1 o/INTERESTED d/Client is interested in our products  
View Dashboard dashboard dashboard  
View Client List list list  
Find Client find NAME find Chemmy  
View Client Details view INDEX view 1  
Edit Client edit INDEX [n/NAME] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG] [l/LEAD] [tg/TELEGRAM] [pf/PROFESSION] [i/INCOME] [d/DETAILS] edit 2 e/berniceyu@gmail.com p/123456789  
Edit Single Field (Shortcut) FIELD INDEX NEW_VALUE name 1 John Doe  
Delete Client delete INDEX delete 1  
Clear Client List clear clear  
Exit exit exit  

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